Articles on: Sales CRM

Sales CRM Overview


Hi, Alek here from Platformly. In this

tutorial video,
I'm going to cover the basics of our Sales

CRM module. In your account, under the menu
"CRM", you can see 2 menu options.

So "Organizations" and "Pipelines", which are

connected directly with the Sales CRM.
We can quickly start with organizations.

So the idea here is to better organize

your contacts as well as view all deals,
contacts, activities and files by

specific organization so
you can quickly add an organization

by clicking here, you upload the logo, so
we can use this one for Platformly.

And you saw this popped up

here and I'm going to quickly explain what it is.
So description: Marketing Automation.

Domain, industry,

employees, you can enter depending

on the company.
I'm going to just enter 5 here.

So as you see here,

we have found one contact
that, one or multiple contacts that are

part of this organization and do
you want to add them.

Basically, when you add an organization,
we scan your contacts and we see if

in your organization field
or company field you have Platformly

included or if maybe in the website,
you have your organization domain.

So in this case, it's Platformly.

If it is, then we match it here.

So I will say yes, OK, so

I'm including this contact within
this specific organization.

So I'm going to just
quickly save and that's it.

We just added an organization.
You can see here,

so, the contacts, and if you click it is
going basically to take you

to the actual
contacts and list them. As you can see,

so this is the inside.

If you click there or if you click
on the name, you end up here.

So this is the organization preview.

You can see the logo,
the actual name, the description,

current stats, so the website, marketing
and then employees, contacts.

And here you will be able to see all
the deals,

all the contacts that are for this
organization, all the activities and all

the files that are
related to this organization,

meaning when a sales person creates
a deal for a contact that exists in this

organization and then he creates
activities for that deal and then he adds

new files for that deal,
the deal will come here.

Those contacts will be shown here.

All the activities and all the files
for those deals will be shown here.

So you can easily find and manage
everything per organization.

Now, let's move further to the pipelines.

So again, from the dropdown,
we choose "Pipelines".

So, as you know, pipelines
can have different stages.

You can have 1, 2,
3, 4, 10 stages.

You can have it for one business,
for another business.

Everything depends
on personal or company use.

And that's why we went
with full flexibility here

when you create a pipeline.
So you have unlimited pipelines, so you can

create unlimited pipelines,
the pipelines are per project.

So you can have a view for this project, then
for other projects, etc.

So that is the way we went.

And let's quickly create a pipeline,
for example, as you can see,

we can give it a pipeline name, in this
case, "Default Pipeline", we can call it.

"Pipeline created for video purposes".

And by default,

as you can see, we give 4 stages,

which you can drag and drop
so you can change their order.

You can change their color just
from a palette and change their names.

Of course, the flexibility goes even further.

So you can also delete
and you can add more.

So you can just let's say, for example,
I can go with "Proposal made", "Contacted",

I think it's enough, OK.
We can go with 3.

And there was "Qualified",

we want to get back that one, choose
a color for it and just move it here.

OK, so I'm going to quickly save it,

and this is how our pipeline looks at this
point. We tried to make it

as simple as possible, but still,
of course, fully featured in mind.

So if you want to add another pipeline,

you can just click this +
button here and fill the information

and that will add another pipeline within
your account, for this project. Here

on the top, on the right,
you can search the deals that are

within this pipeline.
Then to filter the deals,

so basically you can filter by "Create
Date" when they were created,

"Team Member" or assignee, basically contacts
that are involved in those deals.

It can be one or multiple "Labels" that are
assigned for that deal and also "Status".

So you can choose between if
the deal is "Open" still, "Won" or "Lost".

We went with this approach, instead of
having 2 more stages for "Won" and "Lost",

we went with statuses, which are basically

included everywhere in the automations,
rules, filtering, because we

thought that way it was a little
bit cleaner for our system.

Then if we go down here,

you can see a calendar here,
which has the activities, so you can click

here and then it will take you
to the activities part. In this part here,

you can add an activity
by clicking "Add First Activity".

You can quickly add an activity

and save it and then you can see
"Overdue", "Today", "Tomorrow",

"This week" and "Next week" activities,
of course, you can choose an assignee,

you can choose the type of activities,
basically, to filter.

And, of course, you can choose
what columns you want to show.

And we went even further
with a calendar view.

So basically, when you create an activity,
you can see it in a calendar view.

Let me quickly get back
to the pipeline.

So here, for example, as you can see,
we have the board, right,

but we also have a table.

So you can toggle between a board view
and a table view for this pipeline.

Then the settings,

you can either edit or
delete the actual pipeline.

You can only delete a pipeline if
deals are not in the actual pipeline.

So make sure when you're deleting
a pipeline, if this option is not present,

basically you need to check also to filter
your "Won" and "Lost" deals and "Closed"

and delete those deals in order
to be able to delete this pipeline.

And at last, an important option also,
here, the 3 dots.

So when you click, you can create

a default sorting
for this specific pipeline.

So you can sort by a few options here,

like "Deal Title", "Deal Value", "Created", "Close Date",
"Assignee", "Deal Age", for example,

how much is the result, and choose between
ascending and descending sorting.

As you can see, the sales pipeline is

fully customizable,
which means that you can choose

the number of stages as well
as the name, the color of each stage.

So the idea here is to be able to create

a sales pipeline that fits
your business.

OK, so we basically touched the base
of the activities because

we went with this option here. Now I just want
to quickly start and talk about

deals, which are an important part.
So you can add a deal here

from this here or you can go
in the contact from the actual CRM.

I'm going to quickly
show that a little bit later.

So from here, you can choose a contact.

So in this case, I'm going
to choose a contact. "Deal Title".

Then you choose the "Pipeline"
and the "Deal Stage" you want the deal to be in.

And, of course, the "Amount"
and the "Close Date". By default,

we set the close date to one month upfront,

but of course, you can edit
and set up the close date

as you wish.

Then you can assign it, you can
leave it assigned to the entire company,

but that means that,
let's say the administrator of this

account and the sales manager, they will be able
to see it, but not the actual sales person.

If he comes, he will be able to see only
deals assigned and activities assigned

to him and, of course,
the "Tags" or the actual labels.

So in this case, I'm going to

choose Igor and I'm going to choose here "new" tag and,

of course, you can attach files.

So in this case, we can come here.

Let's attach...

The Platformly logo.



OK, so this is how a deal
looks like, a preview.

So we have the title,
the value, activities, which are zero,

the actual status and the close date
and the people that are involved in it.

If you click here,
you'll be able to see the actual user, if

you click here, then if you
don't have activities,

you can schedule an activity
for this specific deal.

You can drag it and change the stages.

You can click and of course, preview.

So let me quickly explain the screen.
On the top,

we have the status,
the title and the value.

On the right, we have the actual assignee,
the actual statuses because we moved it

from "Lead" to "Qualified", when it was created,
close date, you can see the contacts.

It can be one or multiple contacts.

So we didn't want that one
contact for one deal.

We wanted multiple contacts for one deal.

Because if you have an organization and then
you're dealing with, I'm not sure,

let's say with a sales person,
their sales person,

you add them here and then a new guy comes
that needs to also work on the deal.

You can include it in your organization
and put him in the same deal.

It gives you flexibility to use one or
multiple contacts in a deal.

As you can see, the activities if you
click here you're going to go there and then the labels.

So by clicking here,
you can filter

all the deals with that specific label.
Of course, you can do it from here also.

And on the right side,
we have the activities.

So every kind of activity is shown here.

By everything, I mean everything
that happens with this deal.

So the deal was created and now we
moved it from "Lead" to "Qualified".


So let's see if we go "Edit".
I go "Edit" and then go "Deal

Title" "new" and I'm going to change
the amount to 5,000.

And I'm going to edit.

OK, so if I open the deal now,
you will be able to see that also.

So the deal was edited by admin,
old title, old and new value,

old and new stage.

OK, stage...

You can see it moved
from "Lead" to "Qualified".

So we have notes also.

So let me try, let me add a note.

So these are notes for this deal.

And we have files
which are just previewed here.

You can add a file if
you go "Edit" for example.

so if you go here like this and you will

be able to see a new note.
So that's the activity,

the activities hold every single change
to a specific deal and by who it was done.

So, as I mentioned before,
you can create a deal from here.

You can also create
a deal from other places.

So we are now on a contact's page.

So here you have a "Deals"

tab, where you can see the actual
deals assigned to this contact.

And from here you can add a new contact.

You can also edit a specific deal.

You can manage the activities,
view it and even delete it.

And you will be able to see that the

"Activities" tab is also available,
where you can also add activities.

OK, and also another option to add deals
is from our automations.

So if you go to "My Automations",
let me see, I have it open.

Yeah, I have.
OK, cool.

So here, let's say if you
go here you can go at

let's go "deal", "Add a deal".

OK, and then you just assign, you choose

a pipeline, you choose
a specific stage.

So, in this case, this one is the pipeline.

Fill this information and you can edit

from the Automation Builder, as you can see,
and also from Automation Rules.

So when you add a new action...

"deal", so "Add a deal" and you
can add a deal from here as well.

As you can see,
this gives you full flexibility to either

manually add deals to a specific contact,
to a specific pipeline

or automate it based on specific
actions and conditions and triggers.

OK, so we're moving back

to the activities, so here,
let's schedule an activity

so you can choose between
"Call", "Meeting", "Task", "Email" and "Lunch".

So we're going to go
with a "Call", "call him".

You need to call him today, for example,
then choose the actual date,

it's 3 o'clock and like this,
and then we're going to choose

3 o'clock.


so when you're at your start and end date,
of course, it can be bigger,

so it can be if it is a meeting,
a call, OK, but if it's a task,

Then you can set 3 or 4 days,
things like that, then it calculates duration.

How much time is it? Add a description here,

so talk about the deal.

These are internal notes so they are not

shown anywhere except for the
actual team of the account.

Then you choose the deal

because we went from here it auto-filled
and it shows the participants in this deal

so you can see them and then you need
to assign this to a specific sales team.

You can also set a reminder

and mark it as done right away.

So let's say if you work on some
specific task and you finished it.

You come here.

You add the task and your mark it as done

because it was finished, outside the field,
or depending on the business needs.

As for the reminder, you can basically choose

the time
and minutes, hours or days.

So it reminds me, let's say,

30 minutes before this event,
this activity and the system will

remind you over an email that you need
to call him in 30 minutes, for example.

OK, so I'm going to just tick it
off and create an activity.

So, again, here you can see at this point

we've filtered based on the actual deal
that we came in.

So I'm going to just turn off that filter.

We have the deal that we created

and you can see here we can choose
Igor and it's going to show it.

So that's the filter by assignee
then here if we choose "Meeting",

it's not going to show because it's
a call, so that's filtered based on

the type. You can edit the activity or
mark it as done, or simply delete it

from here, you can see, as we said,
"Overdue", "Today", "Tomorrow" activities.

So let's say this one is today.

So we come here.

We're going to see it also there

and we can choose which fields we show or
not, you already know that behavior.

And if we go to the calendar,

you can see it.

So by clicking, a pop up comes where you
see more information about the deal

and you can go view or edit
to work with the actual activity... sorry not deal.

Same as the deals
with activities.

We also went further in the automations.

So from here, automatically, when something

happens, some conditions
are fulfilled, etc.,

you can just simply
create a deal activity.

So we choose a pipeline,

let's say, for example,
title, you enter information,

activity type.

The only difference here is, you see here,
the selector is basically... You're adding

an activity to, so let's say,
it's a meeting, due date...

It's 1 day from the
creation, assigned to Igor.

So this is basically important

to mention, as you can see,
"Choose deal selector".

So this is a selector that is going

to choose to in what deal
the activity will be created.

OK, so it says "Most recent
deal for this contact".

So the contact came in the automation,

the most recent deal, OK, create
for it, all deals for this contact...

If he has 1, OK, if he has 10,

it will create for 10 of them
"All open", "All won" or "All lost".

So you decide to what deal,
one or multiple to create this activity.

So that's for automations.

And a similar approach,
of course, for rules.

So you go here, "activity", "Add a deal
activity", and it's the same approach.

We have one more extra option here

with regarding the activities
and that is "Mark as done a deal activity",

which you can choose between "Next deal activity"
and "All deal activities", "Most recent deal"...

or the filter that we just
discussed, and in what pipeline.

So the same thing is also
available in the

Automation Builder, so "Mark as done a deal
activity", you click, fill the options and, when

something happens, it's going
to mark as done that activity.

OK, so I think that we covered all
the basics regarding the Sales CRM.

This video is already taking long.

So I'm going to quickly just go over

the automation part,
which is also very important

in the Automations Builder
and also in the Automations Rules,

we included a lot of options
regarding our CRM.

So if you go "deal",
you can see all the options.

So we have the actions in this case

are "Add a deal", "Update deal field value",
"Change deal status", etc.

And then we have: "Add a note to a deal",
"Change deal stage", "Change deal status" and then we

have, for activity, so "Add a deal activity"
and "Mark as done a deal activity" as I described them.

The same actions are
available in the rules here.

So if you write "deal" here,

you will be able to see them, then if we
quickly go to the conditions,

so if we go here with a fork, then here
we have deals,

so you can choose between "Has
deal in stage", "Has deal with status",

"Has deal with value",
"Has total number of deals".

So those are like decisions that you
can make for a specific contact.

Same here in the rules.

So if you go here and add a new condition,

for example, and we go "deal", you have
those options also available here.

And as triggers, if you filter for "deal",
you can choose between "Deal stage

changed", "Deal status changed"
and "Enters a deal pipeline".

The same approach, of course,
is in the rules also.

So this gives you full flexibility
to automate your process and do a variety

of actions and triggers
regarding your sales pipeline.

And as for the end, I'm going to just
touch the base for sales persons.

So when you go in your account
in "Setup" and then in "Users",

you can see all your accounts here.

So if you click on a specific user,

you can see all his deals assigned,

all activities and all files.

So in this case,
we already created Platformly.

So this is the activity you
created and these are the deals.

So we have the new one that we created.

These are some previous deals.

So you can see per
team member all that information.

And also when you create
a new team account,

at the bottom, you can see this option.

"It is a Sales Person".

A sales person can only see his
assigned deals and activities.

Basically, when you tick this,

you have an option to choose what
pipeline the salesperson will see.

If it is a normal team member,

then you just give him
access to the CRM or not.

So you come here, you say,
OK, "Allow All and Deny Below..."

So in this case, if we are adding
a sales person, I'm denying everything,

I'm only allowing a CRM access.

So the CRM section, which is basically
contacts, pipelines, etc.

and I'm assigning a specific

pipeline so he can view only
that one pipeline and save.

If for example, you just need a usual
team member, of course, you just untick this.

And if this stays like this,

basically, he has access to the CRM
and everything,

only this section, everything
else won't be available for him.

I know it was a long video, but it
was a lot to put in what we do so,

I hope you enjoyed it.

And thanks for watching.

Updated on: 16/10/2020

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