Articles on: Dashboards & Widgets

How to Create a Dashboard

Want to create dashboards? Check out this video that shows you how to setup dashboards, share those dashboards and use multiple sites on one dashboard.

00:01 In this video we're going to take a quick look at dashboards, and how they work. You got a dropdown here with all of your projects listed, one by one, and at the top here of all projects. Now, if you select all projects, and you create a dashboard from here with all projects selected, some of the widgets that you can add on the dashboard allow you to multiple sites. You could do a dashboard on the all projects if for example you wanted to show your site visits and your uptime of the different sites and projects that you have.

00:34 If you select a specific project, then when you go back creating a dashboard for that, it will be for that specific project. So in this example we can see that one we created a dashboard called contacts, and in here we're using a widget called New Active subscribers. And it shows how many new subscribers have signed up in the last 30 days, versus the previous 30 days before that, and whether it's going up okay down.

00:59 The monthly overview of traffic, and you see here it shows you which integration's been used for this. These are Google Analytics, and if I was to come over here, and I hover here, you can see the domain and the time period. If you click on this you can edit the widget options. You can choose different site, you can choose different data, and save this. Or if you wanna remove the widget you can remove it, and if you name it, it's gonna come along here, so this would be ... And just give it a name if you want.

01:28 Once again, that's optional. But you see that's permanently fixed up, so you can name your widgets as you want them. The other thing to notice that when you created dashboard, you can either built a dashboard from scratch and if you're gonna build it from scratch then you can add templates, so let's go here, you can add widgets. So on the settings you click on add a widget, and then you can choose the sections. More sections are gonna be added as we go along. Maybe by the time you're watching this is really more sections.

01:53 This is new active subscribers. You wanna see for example contact widget, it's everyone new subscribers person day. That will then come in here an we'll be able to see our daily new subscribers that are coming into this project, okay? New contacts that come, so that's how easy it is to add a new widget, and then if you wanted to edit the widget further you can just click that and you can select a time period. If you want this one to show over the last 30 days, and now we see it over the last 30 days. That's how you can add widgets to your dashboard. Obviously you can delete your dashboard and you could edit it's name as well. Let's say we wanted to create a new dashboard, and we wanna do it from a template. When you come here, you'll see a link here that you can request new dashboard types, and we're always building up dashboards. Our plan is to add quite a few more. So from this point in here you can come and you can add a comment here with how you want the dashboard to look and function.

02:53 The next thing to notice is you'll see that there's a dropdown over here, Analytics, Customers, Integrations, Sales. Once again, they'll probably be more by the time you come. Video integrations will be able to see, and if you hover over it, it shows you what required service needs. In this case as your dashboard they require the service to be connected. So we'll build a SEO dashboard. Let's just choose some sites. And in this one here for example, you can select multiple ones. This is the backlinks to these [inaudible 00:03:29]. It doesn't matter how many I select, because I think this site hasn't had any backlinks built in the last period of time. But anyway I'll just show you as an example, and then you can see it's here.

03:43 You click on that and then it's gonna load up. Your dashboard system show us our uptime for today, the last 30 days, our total site visits for today and the current month, and it compares it to yesterday. In the previous month, we didn't see our traffic over time. This is by referral, and then here would be any backlinks built this month versus last month. You can actually change all the information on the widgets as you know. You could go here, and you could say current year in this example. And that's gonna update as you see, last year ten, this year naught so far. It's gonna show you all of your metrics on the dashboard, obviously this is just an example. Okay, so that how you learn to use the dashboard, and under settings you'll be able to see this public URL where you can set passwords and then share that with your board members or team members, or save it in the browser et cetera.

04:43 And I hope that this overview has allowed you to see how to start setting up dashboards for yourself.

Updated on: 02/08/2019

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