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Checking Platformly Reports (Sales, Email, Link Tracking, etc)

00:01 Platformly comes with advanced reporting to cover each action in your business. This includes full sales reporting, link tracking reports, email reports, event reports, funnels, advertising. Let’s take a look at each report section separately.

00:20 This is the section where you can view all your sales reports. You can see reports about your gross sales, income breakdown, growth, run rate, churn, average revenue per user, MRR and much more.

00:36 First, you will need to connect your payment processor to have us auto-fetch and sync the data or manually import your transactions. You can easily change the period of time for your reports here.

00:50 Also, here you can filter reports by payment processor if you have more than one payment processor connected.

01:08 With Platformly tracking reports, you can see all the vital information on your tracking link traffic. This includes full breakdown by campaign, traffic source, traffic type, medium, ad identifier, user profile, user timing, and location. This report showing you both the costs, revenue, and profit.

01:34 Platformly also contains full email reporting showing you such metrics as number of sent emails, opened, clicked, etc.

01:48 In event report or funnels you can easily build simple and advanced funnels and check the stats on how your campaigns performing on each stage. For example, if you’re running a webinar your funnel could look like this one: people in webinar automation, people who opened an email, people who clicked an email and when the event has been fired. For example, when the conversion happens. Open Platformly advanced reports and get you must know metrics immediately!

Updated on: 16/01/2020

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