Connect Platformly With Other Apps (Integrations)
00:00 You can connect your favorite tools to Platformly to get a full picture of your business using integrations.
00:07 At Platformly you can find any integration you may think of: analytics, marketing, monitoring, sales, social media, etc.
00:16 All active integrations for your account you can see in this tab. To connect an integration you have to just click the one you want to connect with Platformly and follow the next instructions.
00:29 For example, if you want to create a Webhook, you just need to choose it here, click “New Webhook”. Then you have to select the type of webhook, and follow our easy instructions. The same for other integrations. You can set up all of them in minutes.
00:55 If you want to learn more information about each integration visit our integrations directory and check how you can integrate it. You can find its screenshots, video overview, and other useful information.
Try to connect your favorite tools today!
Updated on: 16/01/2020
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