Slack Integration
Our Slack integration allows you to perform a number of actions in Platformly such as creating a new contact or creating a new deal, directly from your Slack Channel via a command or shortcut.
You can also send periodic notifications to your Slack Channel and notify your team members on Slack when something happens using Platformly's Automations or Automation Rules.
Log into your Platformly account
Click on your profile picture at the top right and on "Integrations"
Click on the "Other" tab and on "Slack"

Click on the "Connect Slack Account" button
Follow Slack's on-screen instructions
Once this is done, use the /ply connect command in Slack to connect a Platformly Project to a specific Slack Channel.

Please note that you can connect multiple Slack Workspaces and Channels to Platformly.
Our integration allows you to perform a number of actions in Platformly directly from your Slack Channel via a command.
Here is the list of commands that you can use:
/ply connect: Connect your Account to the Slack Channel
/ply manage: Manage your connections of the current channel
/ply create [email]: Create a New Contact
/ply create-deal [email OR 'deal title']: Create a New Deal
/ply view [email]: View Contact CRM Information
/ply view-deal [email OR 'deal title']: View Contact Deals or Specific Deal by Title
/ply help: View Bot Information
/ply logout: Log out from your Account
/ply data-contacts [period]: View Project Contacts Data
/ply data-emails [period]: View Project Email Data
/ply data-sales [period]: View Project Sales Data
/ply data-tracking [period]: View Project Tracking Data
/ply data-funnels [period]: View Project Funnels Data
[period] - Allowed Values for [period] in [data-] commands are: last24, last7, last30, exp. [/ply data-contacts last24]
For example, if you use the /ply create [email] command, this form will appear in Slack:

If you use the /ply create deal [email OR ‘deal title'], this form will appear:

If you use the /ply view [email] command, this information will appear:

If you use the /ply data-emails [period] command, this information will appear:

You can perform several actions using shortcuts, which are located in the “More actions” menu, next to each message in your Slack Channel.

You can send periodic report notifications to your Slack Channel.
For example, you could send a notification with contact information every X number of days or weeks.

As you can see in the screenshot above, you can choose to send the notification to a Slack channel, as well as to an email address.
You can notify your team members on Slack when something happens using Platformly's Automations or Automation Rules.
There is a "Slack Notification" action to our Automation builder, which means you can send a notification to a specific Slack Channel when a trigger is fired.
For example, you could send a notification when a contact is added to a specific segment, as shown below:

This is how the notification looks like in Slack:

Automation Rules
There is a "Slack Notification" option in Automation Rules, so you can send a notification to a Slack Channel when something happens:

This is how the notification looks like in Slack:

Hi, Alek here from Platformly. In this
tutorial video, we are going to cover
the basics of our Slack integration.
In order to integrate your Slack
account with Platformly, navigate to the top right
and choose "Integrations". Once the page is loaded,
we need to go to the "Other"
tab and click on Slack.
As you can see, currently,
we don't have any Slack integration, so
we don't have any accounts connected.
In order to connect
an account, we'll need to click
the button "Connect Slack Account".
So let's do that quickly.
So once you click,
it redirects you to Slack, where you
need to approve specific actions.
What Platformly is going
to do with the actual account?
In this case, we click "Allow".
This is a test account. And after
confirmation, you're redirected back to your account
with the successful
connection here being shown.
So as you can see here, now,
we have connected the Slack accounts
and you will probably notice
"connected channels" is empty.
So the channels, basically, you need
to connect them one by one and manually.
They are not like automatically
connected to the system.
And in order to do that,
we need to use the "/ply
connect" command from the Slack application.
So let's try to connect a channel
to this connection and to this account.
So let's say we are going
to choose the "general" one.
OK, so with the command
"/ply connect", we press and then
options come out that we need to choose.
So, from here, we can choose what project
we want to connect to this specific
So we're going to choose the "Test Project"
and we can choose the channel.
But now we are in "general",
that's the channel we want
to connect and we click "Connect".
And that's it,
now we have added Platformly to this
channel and if we go back,
we refresh the page.
You can see connected channels, you
can see the workspace, basically
what channel it's connected to and what
project is connected to this channel.
So why is this important, the
project and the channel?
Well, let's quickly explore the "/ply"
commands and that will explain why this
project connection and the channel
is being done from our side.
So if we go here, let's say,
for example, and you type "/ply help",
it's going to list all the commands that are
available that you can do from your
Slack application to your account.
You can see we already use the "/ply
connect", which connects your
Platformly account to a Slack channel.
Then we have "/ply manage".
So I'm not going to explore all of them.
You can play with them
once it is connected,
but basically "/ply manage", it manages
the connections to see like what project,
to what channel it's connected, to remove
that connection and things like that.
Then we have the "/ply create"
which is creating a new contact.
So if we type in quickly "/ply
create" and we can say OK, valid
email, a popup
comes where you can choose the actual
project. It is auto selected
because you have connected to that project
and you can fill all the information.
Once you fill the information,
you save. The contact is added
within our system and in the next step,
you can also choose the segments
and the tags to assign to this contact.
So it's quite easy, you can see,
to create a contact from Slack.
Of course the same
applies for /ply "create-deal".
And here you can choose
email or deal title.
So let's say "/ply create-deal",
"sell 15 pieces of packages".
OK then.
OK, so you can see your
current project, title...
So we prefilled it, but you don't have
any pipelines created for this project.
Basically we are unable to create a deal
because no pipelines exist
in the actual project.
So we're going to close that one
and I'll just quickly explain the others.
So "/ply view [email]", that's basically view
contact CRM information,
so if you have a specific contact,
and you just simply want to see
information about that contact.
You just go "/ply view
[email]" of the contact, enter and it' s
going to give you information.
At this point I don't have it.
But let's say, for example,
we can use "/ply create...".
OK, like this, "Platformly",
so we are creating a specific contact.
So, "Alek",
we save the contact,
we're going to skip this tab,
OK. And now if I go "/ply view...",
"", you're able to see
that first name, Alek and email Platformly.
And if we go back here, for example,
if we navigate to the CRM,
we are able to see that
the contact was added properly.
So let's continue quickly down.
And then we have "view-deal",
which is a similar approach,
like the view of the contact, just here,
if you choose a contact,
then it shows all the deals
for that contact,
or if you choose a specific deal title, that is
going to show only that
specific deal. "/ply help",
this is the command that we used in order
to show all the commands, "/ply logout" is
to log out from your Platformly account.
And here,
where the project connection comes, where
that connection is important.
So we have added commands that you can
basically quickly see specific
data about your business.
So let's say, if I want to see
my subscribers or contacts
in the last period,
So I can just type in "/ply data-contacts",
period "last
24 hours". So we can choose between last 24
hours, last 7 days and last 30 days.
So it's last 24, last 7 or last 30.
OK, so "/ply data last24".
And we quickly can see for that 24 hour
period, the subscribers, how many you had.
So these are subscribers basically
to specific segments.
So that's why the one that we created
doesn't exist because it doesn't
have a segment assigned.
All this information is already available
on the dashboard, on the widgets.
So you can see that from the widget.
So it is just represented properly on Slack.
So you can easily just type in and see,
OK, I want to see how are my sales, like
the sales or the income
in the last seven days.
I can just quickly type
in "/ply data-sales last7".
In this case it's going to be everything
zeros, but you can see total net income,
total income, re-bills, refunds,
chargebacks, etc.
So it's quite easy to get access and view your
most important business information.
One more thing to mention
while we're on the Slack application.
So let's say you have an email.
OK, in the shortcuts, so "More actions",
you will be able to see these three so you
can add as contact, you can add
to a deal or you can add as a deal.
So basically, you can quickly,
so someone sends you an email, for
example, OK, add this user as a contact,
So you can just come, boom.
Add this contact, fill the
other information that
is already pre-filled and you just save it.
Or maybe you can add
it to a specific deal.
You already have a specific deal that is
in the system and you can just come here,
click "Add to a deal" so you can assign this
contact to a deal if it exists
or if it doesn't, it's going to be
created and assigned properly.
So with this, we cover all
the aspects from the Slack application.
So just to summarize, you can connect
multiple projects to specific channels.
You can see all the commands so you can add
a contact, you can add a new deal,
you can view contact, view specific deal,
and you can view your most important
business information quickly from Slack.
And also you can use the shortcuts for
quick operations.
So now let's get back on the Platformly
account and show how we have
integrated Slack from here.
The most important part here
for Slack is the notifications.
So that's why we have added them
in "My Automations" and "Automation Rules",
which I'm going to quickly show you.
So when you're creating your first
automation, for example, here, you can
just choose a specific trigger and then...
So let's do it, for example,
segment, added to segment...
We go with Test Project.
Then from here, you can choose
"Integrations", choose Slack.
And as you can see here,
the message which I explained before,
in order to see your Slack channel here,
you need to go to Slack and use
the command "/ply connect", to connect
your channel with your Platformly account.
We connected "general", and it's
available here so we can choose it.
So what this does,
so that's, for example, going to stop the
automation so we can create
a quick automation when someone
is added to a specific segment, send a Slack
notification to the general channel.
OK, so if someone is added to this
segment, boom, the system will send a quick
notification to the "general" channel.
And the notification looks similar to this.
So it's like this.
This is a notification from a Platformly automation,
the name of the automation.
So you can quickly view the automation.
And it was triggered by a specific user.
OK, so you can easily see
who was triggered and what automation.
You can notify yourself,
you can notify your team, your support team,
marketing team,
depending on the usage.
And the same applies.
A similar principle applies
in the Automation Rules.
So if you add your first rule and we go
"Add New Action", we can see
here and choose Slack
and we can choose the actual channel
that we want to use, save
and once something specific happens.
So in this case, we can say, OK, when
email was clicked, maybe.
A specific email then notify me by Slack
or notify my team to follow up.
So the use cases are unlimited and you can
use it depending on your
business structure and team.
And in the last part,
here, about the Slack integration.
Quite important
one also. Is, again, notifications,
but periodic notifications.
So if we go in our account and then
"Profile", you will see a new tab here,
which is "Notifications".
So here these notifications are periodic
notifications that are sent to your email
or Slack because we are now
discussing about Slack.
So we're going to cover only that part.
And those notifications are
basically the same information.
Like here.
So let's say you don't want to
come and type in every Monday morning
information about business,
about income, etc.
You want to have it on your
Slack when you come at work.
You can just come here,
add first notification.
So let's go like "Slack Test".
OK, then I can choose.
OK, "Sales Data".
So the project is automatically selected.
So sales data, last seven days,
email or Slack, in our case,
of course, we use Slack and we choose
the channel and save. That's it.
So now you have created
it on 5th of January.
On 12th of January,
you will get a Slack notification in general
containing information
about the last seven days,
your sales data, so you will receive your
income and everything from the last
seven days directly on the channel.
So every time in every seven days,
basically, you get
that information on your channel.
So this here covers
the whole integration.
And I hope you're going to find it useful.
Any questions,
our team is here to help.
And thanks for watching the video.
You can also send periodic notifications to your Slack Channel and notify your team members on Slack when something happens using Platformly's Automations or Automation Rules.
How to connect Platformly to Slack
Log into your Platformly account
Click on your profile picture at the top right and on "Integrations"
Click on the "Other" tab and on "Slack"

Click on the "Connect Slack Account" button
Follow Slack's on-screen instructions
Once this is done, use the /ply connect command in Slack to connect a Platformly Project to a specific Slack Channel.

Please note that you can connect multiple Slack Workspaces and Channels to Platformly.
Slack Commands
Our integration allows you to perform a number of actions in Platformly directly from your Slack Channel via a command.
Here is the list of commands that you can use:
/ply connect: Connect your Account to the Slack Channel
/ply manage: Manage your connections of the current channel
/ply create [email]: Create a New Contact
/ply create-deal [email OR 'deal title']: Create a New Deal
/ply view [email]: View Contact CRM Information
/ply view-deal [email OR 'deal title']: View Contact Deals or Specific Deal by Title
/ply help: View Bot Information
/ply logout: Log out from your Account
/ply data-contacts [period]: View Project Contacts Data
/ply data-emails [period]: View Project Email Data
/ply data-sales [period]: View Project Sales Data
/ply data-tracking [period]: View Project Tracking Data
/ply data-funnels [period]: View Project Funnels Data
[period] - Allowed Values for [period] in [data-] commands are: last24, last7, last30, exp. [/ply data-contacts last24]
For example, if you use the /ply create [email] command, this form will appear in Slack:

If you use the /ply create deal [email OR ‘deal title'], this form will appear:

If you use the /ply view [email] command, this information will appear:

If you use the /ply data-emails [period] command, this information will appear:

Slack Shortcuts
You can perform several actions using shortcuts, which are located in the “More actions” menu, next to each message in your Slack Channel.

Report Notifications
You can send periodic report notifications to your Slack Channel.
For example, you could send a notification with contact information every X number of days or weeks.

As you can see in the screenshot above, you can choose to send the notification to a Slack channel, as well as to an email address.
Automation Notifications
You can notify your team members on Slack when something happens using Platformly's Automations or Automation Rules.
There is a "Slack Notification" action to our Automation builder, which means you can send a notification to a specific Slack Channel when a trigger is fired.
For example, you could send a notification when a contact is added to a specific segment, as shown below:

This is how the notification looks like in Slack:

Automation Rules
There is a "Slack Notification" option in Automation Rules, so you can send a notification to a Slack Channel when something happens:

This is how the notification looks like in Slack:

Slack Integration - Demo Video
Hi, Alek here from Platformly. In this
tutorial video, we are going to cover
the basics of our Slack integration.
In order to integrate your Slack
account with Platformly, navigate to the top right
and choose "Integrations". Once the page is loaded,
we need to go to the "Other"
tab and click on Slack.
As you can see, currently,
we don't have any Slack integration, so
we don't have any accounts connected.
In order to connect
an account, we'll need to click
the button "Connect Slack Account".
So let's do that quickly.
So once you click,
it redirects you to Slack, where you
need to approve specific actions.
What Platformly is going
to do with the actual account?
In this case, we click "Allow".
This is a test account. And after
confirmation, you're redirected back to your account
with the successful
connection here being shown.
So as you can see here, now,
we have connected the Slack accounts
and you will probably notice
"connected channels" is empty.
So the channels, basically, you need
to connect them one by one and manually.
They are not like automatically
connected to the system.
And in order to do that,
we need to use the "/ply
connect" command from the Slack application.
So let's try to connect a channel
to this connection and to this account.
So let's say we are going
to choose the "general" one.
OK, so with the command
"/ply connect", we press and then
options come out that we need to choose.
So, from here, we can choose what project
we want to connect to this specific
So we're going to choose the "Test Project"
and we can choose the channel.
But now we are in "general",
that's the channel we want
to connect and we click "Connect".
And that's it,
now we have added Platformly to this
channel and if we go back,
we refresh the page.
You can see connected channels, you
can see the workspace, basically
what channel it's connected to and what
project is connected to this channel.
So why is this important, the
project and the channel?
Well, let's quickly explore the "/ply"
commands and that will explain why this
project connection and the channel
is being done from our side.
So if we go here, let's say,
for example, and you type "/ply help",
it's going to list all the commands that are
available that you can do from your
Slack application to your account.
You can see we already use the "/ply
connect", which connects your
Platformly account to a Slack channel.
Then we have "/ply manage".
So I'm not going to explore all of them.
You can play with them
once it is connected,
but basically "/ply manage", it manages
the connections to see like what project,
to what channel it's connected, to remove
that connection and things like that.
Then we have the "/ply create"
which is creating a new contact.
So if we type in quickly "/ply
create" and we can say OK, valid
email, a popup
comes where you can choose the actual
project. It is auto selected
because you have connected to that project
and you can fill all the information.
Once you fill the information,
you save. The contact is added
within our system and in the next step,
you can also choose the segments
and the tags to assign to this contact.
So it's quite easy, you can see,
to create a contact from Slack.
Of course the same
applies for /ply "create-deal".
And here you can choose
email or deal title.
So let's say "/ply create-deal",
"sell 15 pieces of packages".
OK then.
OK, so you can see your
current project, title...
So we prefilled it, but you don't have
any pipelines created for this project.
Basically we are unable to create a deal
because no pipelines exist
in the actual project.
So we're going to close that one
and I'll just quickly explain the others.
So "/ply view [email]", that's basically view
contact CRM information,
so if you have a specific contact,
and you just simply want to see
information about that contact.
You just go "/ply view
[email]" of the contact, enter and it' s
going to give you information.
At this point I don't have it.
But let's say, for example,
we can use "/ply create...".
OK, like this, "Platformly",
so we are creating a specific contact.
So, "Alek",
we save the contact,
we're going to skip this tab,
OK. And now if I go "/ply view...",
"", you're able to see
that first name, Alek and email Platformly.
And if we go back here, for example,
if we navigate to the CRM,
we are able to see that
the contact was added properly.
So let's continue quickly down.
And then we have "view-deal",
which is a similar approach,
like the view of the contact, just here,
if you choose a contact,
then it shows all the deals
for that contact,
or if you choose a specific deal title, that is
going to show only that
specific deal. "/ply help",
this is the command that we used in order
to show all the commands, "/ply logout" is
to log out from your Platformly account.
And here,
where the project connection comes, where
that connection is important.
So we have added commands that you can
basically quickly see specific
data about your business.
So let's say, if I want to see
my subscribers or contacts
in the last period,
So I can just type in "/ply data-contacts",
period "last
24 hours". So we can choose between last 24
hours, last 7 days and last 30 days.
So it's last 24, last 7 or last 30.
OK, so "/ply data last24".
And we quickly can see for that 24 hour
period, the subscribers, how many you had.
So these are subscribers basically
to specific segments.
So that's why the one that we created
doesn't exist because it doesn't
have a segment assigned.
All this information is already available
on the dashboard, on the widgets.
So you can see that from the widget.
So it is just represented properly on Slack.
So you can easily just type in and see,
OK, I want to see how are my sales, like
the sales or the income
in the last seven days.
I can just quickly type
in "/ply data-sales last7".
In this case it's going to be everything
zeros, but you can see total net income,
total income, re-bills, refunds,
chargebacks, etc.
So it's quite easy to get access and view your
most important business information.
One more thing to mention
while we're on the Slack application.
So let's say you have an email.
OK, in the shortcuts, so "More actions",
you will be able to see these three so you
can add as contact, you can add
to a deal or you can add as a deal.
So basically, you can quickly,
so someone sends you an email, for
example, OK, add this user as a contact,
So you can just come, boom.
Add this contact, fill the
other information that
is already pre-filled and you just save it.
Or maybe you can add
it to a specific deal.
You already have a specific deal that is
in the system and you can just come here,
click "Add to a deal" so you can assign this
contact to a deal if it exists
or if it doesn't, it's going to be
created and assigned properly.
So with this, we cover all
the aspects from the Slack application.
So just to summarize, you can connect
multiple projects to specific channels.
You can see all the commands so you can add
a contact, you can add a new deal,
you can view contact, view specific deal,
and you can view your most important
business information quickly from Slack.
And also you can use the shortcuts for
quick operations.
So now let's get back on the Platformly
account and show how we have
integrated Slack from here.
The most important part here
for Slack is the notifications.
So that's why we have added them
in "My Automations" and "Automation Rules",
which I'm going to quickly show you.
So when you're creating your first
automation, for example, here, you can
just choose a specific trigger and then...
So let's do it, for example,
segment, added to segment...
We go with Test Project.
Then from here, you can choose
"Integrations", choose Slack.
And as you can see here,
the message which I explained before,
in order to see your Slack channel here,
you need to go to Slack and use
the command "/ply connect", to connect
your channel with your Platformly account.
We connected "general", and it's
available here so we can choose it.
So what this does,
so that's, for example, going to stop the
automation so we can create
a quick automation when someone
is added to a specific segment, send a Slack
notification to the general channel.
OK, so if someone is added to this
segment, boom, the system will send a quick
notification to the "general" channel.
And the notification looks similar to this.
So it's like this.
This is a notification from a Platformly automation,
the name of the automation.
So you can quickly view the automation.
And it was triggered by a specific user.
OK, so you can easily see
who was triggered and what automation.
You can notify yourself,
you can notify your team, your support team,
marketing team,
depending on the usage.
And the same applies.
A similar principle applies
in the Automation Rules.
So if you add your first rule and we go
"Add New Action", we can see
here and choose Slack
and we can choose the actual channel
that we want to use, save
and once something specific happens.
So in this case, we can say, OK, when
email was clicked, maybe.
A specific email then notify me by Slack
or notify my team to follow up.
So the use cases are unlimited and you can
use it depending on your
business structure and team.
And in the last part,
here, about the Slack integration.
Quite important
one also. Is, again, notifications,
but periodic notifications.
So if we go in our account and then
"Profile", you will see a new tab here,
which is "Notifications".
So here these notifications are periodic
notifications that are sent to your email
or Slack because we are now
discussing about Slack.
So we're going to cover only that part.
And those notifications are
basically the same information.
Like here.
So let's say you don't want to
come and type in every Monday morning
information about business,
about income, etc.
You want to have it on your
Slack when you come at work.
You can just come here,
add first notification.
So let's go like "Slack Test".
OK, then I can choose.
OK, "Sales Data".
So the project is automatically selected.
So sales data, last seven days,
email or Slack, in our case,
of course, we use Slack and we choose
the channel and save. That's it.
So now you have created
it on 5th of January.
On 12th of January,
you will get a Slack notification in general
containing information
about the last seven days,
your sales data, so you will receive your
income and everything from the last
seven days directly on the channel.
So every time in every seven days,
basically, you get
that information on your channel.
So this here covers
the whole integration.
And I hope you're going to find it useful.
Any questions,
our team is here to help.
And thanks for watching the video.
Updated on: 05/01/2021
Thank you!