Articles on: Contacts

How to Import your Contacts into

To import you list, please ensure that you have double optin (known as confirmed) emails and on import include their optin date and IP as a column if you have that information available. It is important that you don't import cold emails or emails you do not have express permission to contact. If you are moving over from another service, watch this video to see how to do the import:

00:00 Hi. In this short video I'm going to show you how to import contacts into Platformly. So there're two places where you can import contacts. First, by clicking on the 'profile menu' here and on 'import'. Then you simply need to click on 'import contacts' here, or you can go to the 'contact section' here and click on 'add new contact' and 'import'. So you will be redirected to this page.

00:33 If you want to import contacts from Ontraport, you need to click on this tab here. Then you need to enter your ID, your API key, select the contact file you downloaded from Ontraport and click on 'import contacts'. Then simply follow the onscreen instructions. If you want to do a manual import, so a CSV file downloaded from a service also as an Ontraport, you need to go to the manual import section here. His will be the case for most of you. So first you need to answer two questions, which provider or where did you export these contacts from? So in our case, MailChimp. Always contact consent obtain and do you have express permission to contact them?

01:19 For example, you could write 'obtained from optin form on our company blog.' Then click on 'select a CSV file' and select the file you want to import. Finally, tick the box 'this list is a confirm optin list that have expressly requested to receive emails from us.' If you agree, of course. Then click on 'upload CSV file', then Platformly will read your CSV file and what you need to do is match the columns of the files with Platformly fields. As you can read, year, the email address, and optin date fields are compulsory.

02:03 So for example, email address year would be email in Platformly. First name would be first name of course, last name, last name. Optin time would be created date. Here you need to select a date format, so in this case, year, month, day. Okay? You need to do this for each column you are interested in. So if we continue on the right, we would find CC for country, region for state, and so on. As you can see, a lot of columns can be matched and here you can also decide to untick specific contacts if you don't want to import them.

02:52 Then you need to create an uploading rule. So you can create one or multiple ones, but at least one, to decide where to add those contacts. So here you can select a project, project X, for example, as well as segments, Platformly demo, and tags. Then simply click on 'create a rule' and here you have the list of created rules and you can see that all those contacts will be added to this segment. So those are simple rules but you can also create advanced rule by clicking here. For example, here you could select country. So if country equals US, since we have the value US here, and for example send those contacts to another segment or apply them as specific tag. You can do this for each country or any other value available in the CSV file. So as you can see, you can create a lot of different rules depending on your needs. But in any case, you need to create at least one simple rule, while advanced rules are optional. Then I'm going to click on 'import' here. So it can take a few seconds or a few minutes or more, depending on the size of your list.

04:21 So what Platformly does is that it checks the email addresses to validate them. So in this specific example, seven were successfully imported and three were not. So we can see the import result details here and we also ... I really recommend that you upload all your unsubscribe within this list as specified here to ensure that you have contacted only currently confirmed contacts. So to do so simply click on this link here and follow the onscreen instructions. Now, this is done if we go to segments here. We can see those seven contacts were imported. That's it for today, I hope you found this video useful. Thanks for your attention.

Updated on: 02/08/2019

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