How to use Custom Fields in Platformly
How to use Custom Fields in Platformly
Platformly's CRM provides you with several common default fields in the Contacts section, for example:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Company Name
Website Address
Phone Number
In addition to the default fields, you can also add your own fields, via the Custom Fields section located in the CRM menu.
To add a Custom Field, click on the blue + icon.
Fill in the following details:
Field Name - e.g. Office Address, Date of Birth, etc.
Field Description - Add any additional description of the created field as required. This part does not display in the Contacts section but is for management purposes.
Select Required or Not - i.e. whether you want the custom field you are creating to be mandatory or not.
Select section where you want the created custom field to appear. You can choose from: Custom Field (default), Contact Info, Location Info or Create a New Section.
Choose a Field Type i.e. the format of the data to be collected.
With regard to Field Type, there are various options available:
Single-line text - Suitable for short text data
Multi-line text - Suitable for longer text data, e.g. address
Drop-down select - Drop-down menu with a list of answers for users to select. For this section, you will need to fill in the Internal Value , i.e. the value (text) that will be used by our system on the back-end, and the Label i.e. what you want to be displayed in the Contacts section.
Note that for the Internal value, you cannot use any symbols/special characters/spaces, only letters and numbers are possible. For for the Label, you cannot use special characters/symbols, only letters, numbers, spaces and underscores are possible.
Drop-down multi-select - This is created the same as drop-down select, but here users will be able to select more than one answer from the drop-down menu.
Date time picker - Date and time format with calendar drop-down for users to select the date and time.
Radio select - Similarly to drop-down select, you will need to fill in the internal value and label as per example below.
File - You can allow users to upload a file or image, such as quotes, invoices, etc. The document will then be accessible from the Contacts section of the CRM.
Checkbox select - Similarly to drop-down select, you will need to fill in the internal value and label as per example below.
URL - e.g. company's website
Email - if the person has more than one email address e.g. personal as well as office email addresses.
Phone - if the person has more than one phone number e.g. office and mobile numbers. user - In case you want to assign a specific team member or staff to your contacts. Note users are the team member or staff that are added as a user of your account under the Users section, in the Setup menu.
Once you have selected and filled in the details of the custom field that you want to create, click Submit and that's it. The Custom Field that you have created will now appear as an additional field in the Contacts section of your CRM.
Note there is no limit on the number of Custom Fields that you can add, so you can create as many as you want to suit your needs.
You can watch more about our Custom Fields in the below video.
Updated on: 12/02/2021
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